This service is available to a group of parents or on a one to one basis.
Transitioning from primary to post primary school is a huge step and one of the most memorable milestones in someone’s life.
Schools are dynamic places that are always constantly changing and while the majority of parents in today’s world did attend post primary it was probably a lot different!!!
In my talk I will discuss the following topics: the importance of touching base with your child as they transition, academic subjects, the New Junior Certificate & CBAs etc, organisation skills, discipline codes, the importance of keeping standards already established at primary school, equipment, new teachers, new learning styles, revision, assessments, new friends, social media, extra curricular activities and how you the parent can collaborate with your chosen school
Don’t hesitate to contact me for more information
Buy the new Ebook

A concise manual to help parents support their children in the transition from primary to post primary school.